Born to Win
Don’t miss out on your chance to win $92,900!
Listen to Cliff & Carly Mornings on 92.9 The River for your chance to win big. Every morning, you’ll have two chances to win. All you need is a birthday!
- • Listen to Cliff & Carly at 7:20 a.m. and 8:20 a.m.
- • At each play, Cliff & Carly will announce the winning month for that round.
- • If you were born that month, be the 9th caller and you will have a chance to win.
- • Once you are connected with Cliff & Carly, they will take your LEGAL name and birthday.
- • If your complete birthday (month, date and year) match with what the randomizer gives them, YOU WIN $92,900!
There's still a chance to win cash, even if your birthday didn't win you $92,900! Every week, we'll select a winner from our daily callers to get $500.
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